LP Gas Delivery & Services in Clinton County, IL
Brefeld provides safe, reliable LP gas delivery and services to customers in Trenton, IL and throughout Clinton County Illinois. From residential homes and farms to businesses, you can count on reliable, affordable service from friendly technicians. If you’re looking to make the switch to LP Gas, we provide complete installation and gas delivery services, making us the local one-stop shop for LP Gas services. Use the conversion tool below to see how much you could save with gas delivery from Brefeld!
LP Gas Conversion Tool
Don’t Just listen to us, do the math yourself and see how much you could be saving on energy with the switch to LP Gas. Use this conversion for how much the average family would spend to heat their water with LP gas v. electricity. The Department of Energy estimates that families would use 6,029 kWh of electricity or 315 gallons of propane in a year.
- Local Electric Rate ($_.__/KWH) x Household Usage (6,029 KWH) = Annual Rate ($______.__)
- Local Gas Rate ($_.__/gallon) x Annual Usage (315 gallons) = Annual Rate ($______.__)
- Total Savings = $______
LP Gas Frequently Asked Questions
My home smells like gas – what should I do?
If you think you smell a gas leak, grab your cell phone and get out of the house immediately, anything electric or battery-powered could cause an explosion. Leave home and call for professional help, and never try to rectify the problem by yourself.
Can I use my oven or range to heat my home?
No. This is a bad idea. This could give off dangerous carbon monoxide gas that is colorless, odorless and could cause death. Use your furnace to heat your home.
What should I do if someone becomes a victim of carbon monoxide poisoning?
If someone starts experiencing symptoms like dizziness, fatigue, nausea and heart palpitations, it’s important to get them outdoors in the fresh air, fast. Also, they should be given professional medical attention.
What if I use a gas space heater? Am I safe?
You’re safe as long as the room is ventilated and your carbon monoxide detectors are working properly.
LP Gas Delivery Services
We provide a variety of gas delivery options to fit a number of factors including the size of your home, the size of your family, usage needs, types of appliances, and more. We provide the following LP Gas Delivery Services:
- Keep Full Plan - this plan means you'll never have to run out of propane because we'll fill you up when it is needed.
- CAP Program - this plan allows customers to purchase propane in advance before costs rise during the high-demand winter months.
- Will Call Program - This plan allows the customer to take control. We'll only come to fill the tank when you deem it necessary.